I recently acquired this wonderful old telescope. It is from about 1927. It came with most of the original accessories and a couple of extras. But, it was missing the original tripod. So I made something similar from another vintage tripod and fabricated some parts to reproduce the function of the azimuth slow motion with some slight differences from the original.

Zeiss Asegur Traveling Telescope AS 63/840
You can watch my original video at https://youtu.be/K221lP82trY
The fabrication of the modified reproduction tripod was a fun project. If you are interested you can watch a video showing the components and how they all work at https://youtu.be/FuT3TpdTBp8
I also made a special adapter to fit the Antique Zeiss Threads M44x.09. The thread form was not the standard 60 degrees so I had to grind a special cutting tool.
I modified a more recent Zeiss Star Diagonal with standard M44 x 1 threads to fit 1.25 inch accessories. The special adapter is on the left in these pictures.
Here are the accessories that came with the scope:
- Image erecting system with special collar clamp and low power Kellner eyepiece
- Standard eyepieces
- Rotating occular holder.
The scope also came with the original tripod extension:
This places the telescope at a useful level.
In this image you can see everything all packed away. I even have a key to lock the storage box!